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Who Can Join This Retreat? 


Anyone with a deep desire to learn about Reiki is warmly welcome to join. Anyone who aches to step into greater levels of empowerment is lovingly invited forward. Anyone who is intrigued by healing journey and focused on their own healing is joyfully received. 


It doesn't matter if you're hearing about Reiki for the first time and are brand new to the spiritual world, or if you have been attuned and trained before and have been on this journey for many years, if your heart and soul is guiding you forward you are welcomed to this event. 


The truth is anyone at any stage in their journey, at any age, for any reason can receive Reiki training. 

Been Trained in Reiki Before?
You Can Still Join us!



Those who have been trained and attuned in Reiki before can receive as many attunments as they are guided by as many teachers as they desire. Both myself and co-teacher Rebecca have been attuned multiple times by multiple teachers and have greatly benefited from these multiple trainings.




Each time you receive a training and an attunement you take your connection with Reiki and your soul to new levels!



Before your Reiki 1 training, and to set you up for the greatest success, you must view all 4 videos located on this website to prepare yourself for this empowering journey.

Still Meadow Retreat Center

16561 SE Marna Road Damascus, OR 9708

Still Meadow Retreat, the location for your Reiki 2 Training, is a sanctuary for soul evolution and has been so since the 1970's. It is Heaven on Earth. Located on 60 lush acres of old growth forest and  meadows, it is a truly special place. During this retreat you will have access to sauna, labyrinth, homemade meals created by onsite chefs and cozy bedrooms to replenish your senses.


You will also have access to hiking trails, year long creek, stunning classroom spaces that have been beautifully decorated and buildings that have been built to proportions of Sacred Geometry. This is the perfect backdrop for your training.


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Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 Training

Massage Therapists

Training may be used as continuing education

Is this training right for you?


Do you feel a stirring deep within?  A burning desire to live authentically. A yearning to bring your abilities to heal and comfort yourself, family and loved ones to new levels?

Are you craving time in sacred space to replenish your reserves, connect with your soul's purpose, uncover why you are here on Earth and what you're capable of? 

Has your heart and soul been aching to discover what it means to be a lightworker, starseed, earth angel, indigo, empath and how to use your gifts to uplift the world and bring greater peace, balance and light into your life? 

Have you been waiting for the right teacher, mentor and guide to show up to compassionately support you through a deeply sacred journey of healing, self-discovery, soul alignment and greater states of empowerment as you unlock your soul's gifts, activate your intuition and open your ability to flow with the Universe.

If you've said yes to any of these, then this soulful training has been perfectly crafted just for you and you are warmly invited to join myself, co-teacher Rebecca Cardoza and a group of other spiritual seekers on a sacred journey as we explore the magical world Reiki, further open our third eyes, expand our consciousnesses, unlock the codes of abundance, activate our manifestatoin manifestation abilities and learn how to use ancient light to heal our body, mind and soul.

It is time to embark on a sacred journey

It is time to tune into your soul's purpose

It is time to unlock your potential


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Reiki is one of the most sought after, globally recognized energetic healing tools. This gentle, easy to learn, yet deeply profound light offers you and all those it comes into contact with greater feelings of peace, empowerment, inner balance, physical/mental/emotional healing and a deeper connection with your true self.



Anyone, at any time in their life, at any stage of their spiritual journey, for any reason can learn how to use this beautiful healing energy known as Reiki.

Usui Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) was officially discovered and given a name in 1922 by Japanese man Mikao Usui. Reiki translates from Japanese to "Universal Life Force Energy."  Reiki is used throughout the world, including thousands of hospitals, for its healing qualities. While Usui developed simple methods to share this healing light with others Reiki is actually an ancient light that has existed for eons and has been used by healers throughout history.

Reiki allows deep, profound, gentle healing to naturally occur within the body, mind and soul. Through the use of this modality, practitioners transfer Reiki, or Universal Life-Force Energy, through the palms into a recipient, allowing for a state of healing, peace, balance, harmony to naturally occur. 

Reiki can be, and often is, effectively combined with many modalities such a massage, coaching, reflexology and acupuncture. Many practitioners and masters use Reiki to heal and uplift chakras, plants, animals, children, loved ones and themselves. They also use Reiki to bless foods, medicines and crystals. Reiki can be used to bless or energetically clear a room, enhance your ability to manifest, further advance your intuitive gifts, increase you ability to navigate through conflict, heal old emotional wounds, more quickly heal through injury, sooth traumas, comfort anxieties and calm a racing mind. These are just a few examples of how Reiki can help as there is ultimately no limit to what Reiki can assist with. 

Each individual's connection to Reiki is unique and will flow through you in a personal way. Opening up to and experiencing this energetic form of healing is a unique experience that cannot be predicted or force. It is best to come with an open mind and heart and allow the connection to move through you in its unique way, time and pacing.

In this training you will take your natural healing and intuitive abilities to new levels.


How you choose to utilize Reiki is absolutely up to you. For Example: Some students will choose to become professional Reiki Practitioners, while other students will decide to utilize the healing energy of Reiki for personal use only. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to integrate Reiki into your life. Whichever way you are guided to us Reiki in your daily living is perfect...


Once you are attuned to Reiki you will be connected to this healing energy for the rest of your life! This is a wonderful investment in yourself, your own self care and, if you choose, in your professional life.


What Makes This Soulful Training So Unique?

The Reiki Retreat Trainings we truly stand out in a sea of fast paced classes. During our trainings we provide access to sacred space, in-depth teaching, comprehensive and customized coaching, time to dive deep into your own healing journey and after trainings we offer ongoing emotional and professional support.


In our fast paced world many Reiki trainings have been crafted with speed in mind, offering a few hours of coaching with little guidance or ongoing support. After this short amount of time, students are often attuned (connected to this healing light), certified and able to practice energy work on others.


While there is ultimately no "right" or "wrong" way to embark on your spiritual journey, when we were students we personally felt this model is dissatisfying and we desired more. More time with our teachers, more ongoing support and in-depth training to help us hone in on our abilities and feel confident as a healer.  We also quickly discovered we weren't alone!


We have found that our students are yearning for so much more!



Our students desire support through the healing journey. They ache for ongoing mentorship and crave greater guidance, answers to difficult questions, deeper understanding of the healing journey and insight for how to effectively support their clients or loved ones through difficult times. They hope to have greater access to their teachers and connection with a beautiful community of like-minded individuals. Our students want to take time to dive deep, understand their soul and develop their sacred relationship with Reiki.

During our Retreat Trainings we provide you with an opportunity to take your connection with your soul and Reiki to new levels.


As dedicated, passionate teachers we are here to help you truly understand what Reiki is, how it can benefit your life and the life of those around you and help you to develop your own sacred connection with this ancient light.



We are here to assist you in feeling confident and comfortable with Reiki, what it can offer you and how it can light up the world. Not all of our students desire to become Reiki Practitioners after training, but for those who do we find we produce more successful, confident spiritual teachers, readers and healers who go on to offer life changing retreats, classes and experiences for their students and clients.


Join us for this unique, soulful, deeply sacred Retreat Training.

Your Reiki Masters: Jeanette & Rebecca
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Reiki 1 & 2 Training


Connect with your light & honor your intuition

w/ the expert guidance of Two Reiki Masters

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Reiki 1


Training with Rebecca       |  4 Hours

Training with Jeanette      |  4 Hours

Follow Up with Rebecca    |  2 Hours

Follow Up w Jeanette          |  2 Hours

Two 3 Hour Reiki 1 Video Trainings

For Reiki 1 Training

Schedule Your Dates with 

Rebecca & Jeanette 



Reiki 2 Training


Reiki 2

Zoom Training

Hosted Online

Before Retreat

August 24th Saturday  |  2pm - 5:30pm 

September 21st  Saturday  |  2pm - 5:30pm 

Online events will be recorded

for you to review in case you miss dates

Times are subject to small changes


Main Event


Reiki 2

All Inclusive Retreat

October 18th - 20th 

Friday through Sunday

Located at Still Meadow Retreat Center

in Damascus, OR Just outside of

Portland, OR


Reiki 2

Ongoing Support

Hosted Online

After Retreat

nov 9th Saturday  |  3pm - 6pm 

Online events will be recorded

for you to review in case you miss dates

Times are subject to small changes

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What is Reiki?

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Why This Training is Soulful & Unique!

Reason #1

This Training is Unique


Access to Two Reiki Masters


The first thing that stands out and sets our Retreat Trainings apart from others is the fact that you receive dedicated support, guidance and mentorship by two Reiki Master Teachers who truly care about you, your comfort, your sense of confidence and connection with the healing light known a Reiki.


In most trainings Reiki students have access to only one Reiki Master to guide them on this sacred journey. While there is nothing wrong with having access to one Reiki Master, receiving comprehensive, focused support by two mentors greatly assists you in deepening your understanding of Reiki. Each teacher offers their unique flavor, personal experience, expertise, insight and knowledge. Your access to expert guidance can greatly increase your understanding and personal connection with Reiki.


By having the support of two Reiki Masters, students are able receive more one-on-one support, satisfying and comprehensive answers to their questions and emotional support. This can set you up for greater levels of success. 

It is mine and Rebecca's life mission to provide all our clients and students soul enriching experiences.


We are truly dedicated to helping each and every student uncover the truth of what Reiki means to them as they learn to embody their soul's expression.


We are here to help you uncover the beauty of the healing journey, here to support you in developing a enriching connection with your soul, advancing your intuition, activating your manifestation abilities, bringing greater balance into your life and activating your soul purpose. 

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Reason #2

This Training is Unique

In-Depth Training

Ongoing Support



During this sacred training you will receive:

Reiki 1


- Two Comprehensive Trainings 


- Two Follow Up Trainings


- Access to Two Three Hour Video Trainings

Reiki 2



- Two Online Trainings Prior to Retreat

- Three Day Reiki Retreat Training

- Online Support After Retreat

- Access to Amazing Community

- Continued Support via a Facebook Reiki Group With Access to Fellow Students and Two Reiki Masters

These multiple trainings provide you with much needed time to develop your abilities as a healer, advance your connection with Reiki, ask questions, receive emotional support and begin to feel comfortable and connected with divine light known as Reiki.

While there is ultimately no "right" or "wrong" way to learn Reiki, many only have access to a few hours of training that are offered in a few short hours without much support, mentorship or guidance. We have personally heard many stories of people who experienced Reiki trainings where they felt the information they received was incomplete, disconnected and confusing. They felt abandoned and unsure how to move forward. We have personally met Reiki Masters (Reiki Masters are those who have reached the highest level of training and are certified to train others) who do not understand what Reiki is, have not developed a personal relationship with this profound energy and struggle with feeling confident in giving Reiki treatments to themselves or others.


While we believe every teacher is simply doing his or her best and is often simply providing the level of training they received by their teacher, we find that our students are yearning for something more.


They are longing for ongoing support, guidance and  mentorship. They are hoping to masterfully develop their skills as a lightworker and may want to pass down their knowledge to others. They desire to find their unique, authentic way to connect with Reiki, understand their soul's light and advance their spiritual practice or business. 

We are passionate about creating in-depth, sacred events for greater soul evolution and consciousness expansion. We are here to help you feel confident, comfortable and deeply connected to Reiki, your soul, your purpose and your healing journey.

Reason #3

This Training is Unique

Retreat Setting



Often Reiki trainings are hosted in people's homes or in rental spaces where students head home directly after the training. While there is nothing wrong with this, something magical and deeply special happens when you are able to spend a few nights in a luxury location on sacred land. As you sleep you integrate all you've learned. Waking up on sacred property, surrounded by nature, eating delicious homemade meals and diving even deeper into your training free of distractions from family, home and daily life is a truly unique experience that greatly enhances your journey and ability to absorb new information.

In a retreat setting you're able to have the space needed to really explore this new realm of light and understand the beauty of this ancient energy. Even Reiki Masters who have chosen to retake Reiki 1 Training with us at our retreats have shared how much more profound this training is when they are learning in a sacred environment without distractions.

Still Meadow Retreat Center is a special location. Located on 60 acres of land, with access to sauna, hiking trails, creek, ancient forest, lovely bedrooms, surrounded by nature, providing made-from-scratch meals is a truly divine place to learn about Reiki and connect with your soul.

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Included in Your

Reiki 1  & 2 Training

1. Retreat Training

All Inclusive Three Day Reiki Training at Still Meadow Retreat Center 

During Your Reiki 2 Retreat

You Will Have Access To

- Made From Scratch Meals

- Three Days & Two Nights On Sacred Land 

- Lovely Bedroom

- Self Care Stations

- 60 Acres Of Sacred Land

 - Sauna

- Hiking Trails

- Beautiful Creek

- Ancient Forest

- Lovely Classroom Spaces

- Time In Nature



2. Online Support 

Three Online Trainings & Ongoing Support


During Your Online Experiences

You Will Have Access To:

- Two Dedicated Reiki Masters

- Connection With Like-Minded Community

- Ability To Ask Questions 

- Time To Meet & Develop Relationship With Fellow Students Before & After The Retreat

- Facebook Group For Greater Support


3. During Your Comprehensive Training You Will Learn


- The inspiring history of Reiki.

- The multitude of ways to use Reiki to enhance your life and the life of those around you.

- How to create safe, sacred space for yourself and others that you share the healing light of Reiki with.

- How Reiki flows through you and how you can use it to transform your life 


- Release fears, worries and blocks that may be keeping you from living the life you desire.


- Receive adequate time to bring into balance your Chakras via Guided Meditations and receive adequate time for personal healing to support yourself on your journey as you learn.

- Connect with other like-minded community members.

- Receive Multiple Reiki Level 1 & Reiki Level 2 Attunements from two Reiki Masters Jeanette Hieter & Rebecca Cardoza, which activates the healing light in your body and hands and enhances your intuition.

4.Level 1 & 2 Reiki Certificate

Massage Therapist Can Use This Training As Continuing Education

Upon the completion of your training you will receive a Reiki 1 & 2 Certificate. This certificate will honor the time you've spent on this journey, all that you have learned and accomplished.



Self Care Stations


During your training and your deep dive into learning Reiki, we also make sure to have self-care stations available. These self-care stations are available throughout the training and may provide aura clearing sprays, chakra balancing crystals, oracle cards to pull at your leisure to receive messages, sage and/or essential oils. These items are available to all students during training to help empower, support and pamper you as you deep dive into your healing journey.



If you ever have any questions about how these items work or are unfamiliar with them, please feel free to ask and we will happily and compassionately show you.


Safe & Sacred Space

Your Personal Healing Journey

As teachers, we believe it is important to cultivate safe, sacred and comfortable environments where feelings are normalized and understood. We believe that sharing your experiences supports learning in the group, that emotions are a natural, normal part of the of healing and learning process, and we are equipped to lovingly and compassionately guide you and the group through these experiences.


Of course, if someone is having an experience that is disruptive to the group's learning, we provide safe space to process and appropriate support during or after training if needed. Sharing is not always required, but greatly encouraged. It helps us to grow and learn as a group, which greatly enhances your Reiki Training.

It is important to note, that as you embark on your training, you are also embarking on, and deepening, your own personal healing. During this training students may begin to experience old wounds, fears and pains emerge for healing.


Many discover that this training is often an emotional journey, and you may experience feelings of sadness arise as you uncover old belief patterns that no longer serve you, or root up sabotaging energies that you didn't know existed. This is perfectly normal and natural part of the processand it is all a part of the experience and brings you to greater levels of self-empowerment, self-realization and is a wonderful opportunity to bring your understanding of Reiki to new levels.


This is why we give you three days of healing, support and training combined with guided meditations, one-on-one coaching and continued support to help ease you along your healing journey, as you take you ability to support yourself and others to new levels.

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Choose Your Type of Room

Single Room

Your Very Own Room 

Double Room

Share With One Other Student

You can request who you share a room with or you can ask to be matched with someone.  

Dorm Room

Share With Two Other Students

You can request who you share a room with or you can ask to be matched with someone.


Price Break Down  


Nine Payments

This Payment Plan is Available till July 8th

No Refunds

Your Training Includes

- Three Day Retreat on 60 Acres of Sacred Land

- Access to Sauna, Labyrinth,  Walking Trails

- Two Nights of Lodging

- Made From Scratch Meals Made by onsite Chefs

- Comprehensive Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 Trainings

- Energy Healing by Two Supportive Reiki Masters

- Online Training & Ongoing Support 

- Access to Reiki Facebook Group

- Time with Heart-Centered Community

- Closing Ceremony

- Reiki 1 & 2 Certification  

- Sacred Gifts to Support Your Journey


Eight Payments

This Payment Plan is Available till July  20th

No Refunds

Your Training Includes

- Three Day Retreat on 60 Acres of Sacred Land

- Access to Sauna, Labyrinth,  Walking Trails

- Two Nights of Lodging

- Made From Scratch Meals Made by onsite Chefs

- Comprehensive Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 Trainings

- Energy Healing by Two Supportive Reiki Masters

- Online Training & Ongoing Support 

- Access to Reiki Facebook Group

- Time with Heart-Centered Community

- Closing Ceremony

- Reiki 1 & 2 Certification  

- Sacred Gifts to Support Your Journey


Seven Payments

This Payment Plan is Available till July  20th

No Refunds

Your Training Includes

- Three Day Retreat on 60 Acres of Sacred Land

- Access to Sauna, Labyrinth,  Walking Trails

- Two Nights of Lodging

- Made From Scratch Meals Made by onsite Chefs

- Comprehensive Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 Trainings

- Energy Healing by Two Supportive Reiki Masters

- Online Training & Ongoing Support 

- Access to Reiki Facebook Group

- Time with Heart-Centered Community

- Closing Ceremony

- Reiki 1 & 2 Certification  

- Sacred Gifts to Support Your Journey


Six Payments

This Payment Plan is Available till July 20th

No Refunds

Your Training Includes

- Three Day Retreat on 60 Acres of Sacred Land

- Access to Sauna, Labyrinth,  Walking Trails

- Two Nights of Lodging

- Made From Scratch Meals Made by onsite Chefs

- Comprehensive Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 Trainings

- Energy Healing by Two Supportive Reiki Masters

- Online Training & Ongoing Support 

- Access to Reiki Facebook Group

- Time with Heart-Centered Community

- Closing Ceremony

- Reiki 1 & 2 Certification  

- Sacred Gifts to Support Your Journey


Four Payments

This Payment Plan is Available till August 20th

No Refunds

Your Training Includes

- Three Day Retreat on 60 Acres of Sacred Land

- Access to Sauna, Labyrinth,  Walking Trails

- Two Nights of Lodging

- Made From Scratch Meals Made by onsite Chefs

- Comprehensive Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 Trainings

- Energy Healing by Two Supportive Reiki Masters

- Online Training & Ongoing Support 

- Access to Reiki Facebook Group

- Time with Heart-Centered Community

- Closing Ceremony

- Reiki 1 & 2 Certification  

- Sacred Gifts to Support Your Journey


One Payment

This Payment Plan is Available till August 24th

No Refunds

Your Training Includes

- Three Day Retreat on 60 Acres of Sacred Land

- Access to Sauna, Labyrinth,  Walking Trails

- Two Nights of Lodging

- Made From Scratch Meals Made by onsite Chefs

- Comprehensive Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 Trainings

- Energy Healing by Two Supportive Reiki Masters

- Online Training & Ongoing Support 

- Access to Reiki Facebook Group

- Time with Heart-Centered Community

- Closing Ceremony

- Reiki 1 & 2 Certification  

- Sacred Gifts to Support Your Journey

Reiki 1 & 2 Retreat Training Rates

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