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Comprehensive Reiki Training

Trainings for the Spiritual Seeker



Before your Reiki 1 training, and to set you up for the greatest success, you must view all 4 videos located on this website to prepare yourself for this empowering journey.

Still Meadow Retreat Center

16561 SE Marna Road Damascus, OR 9708

Still Meadow Retreat, the location for your Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 Trainings, is a sanctuary for soul evolution and has been so since the 1970's. It is Heaven on Earth. Located on 60 lush acres of old growth forest and  meadows, it is a truly special place. During this retreat you will have access to sauna, labyrinth, homemade meals by onsite renowned chefs and cozy bedrooms to replenish your senses.


You will also have access to hiking trails, year long creek, stunning classroom spaces that have been beautifully decorated and buildings that have been built to proportions of Sacred Geometry. This is the perfect backdrop for your training.


About This Sacred Training


Reiki 1 Training

January 18th - 21st

Four Day Training @ Still Meadows Retreat Center


Reiki 2 Training

June 7th - 10th

Four Day Training @ Still Meadows Retreat Center

Divinely Inspired Comprehensive Trainings Hosted by Two Dedicated, Compassionate Reiki Master Teachers Jeanette Hieter  & Rebecca Cardoza



Limited  to only 12 students!

Early Bird Special Ends Oct 20th

Packages & Payment Plans Available See Below

Massage Therapists:

Training may be used as continuing education


Embark on a sacred journey....

Tune into your soul's light
Unlock your potential



Do you feel a stirring deep within?  A burning desire to live authentically, to bring your ability to heal and comfort yourself, friends, family and loved ones to new levels?

Are you yearning for a break? Time to replenish? Are you aching for sacred space so you may dive deep within, heal, recenter and find yourself once again?


Join us and be pampered, as you enjoy comprehensive training hosted by two dedicated Reiki Master teachers. Experience customized guided meditations and delicious meals made by onsite chefs. Then retire to your cozy bedroom for deep relaxation and reflect upon your day of healing and learning. Or soak in the healing vibration of nature as you explore luxurious settings.  

Get ready to laugh, explore, discover, play and immensely enjoy yourself! We create deep, sacred, uplifting trainings, that are are highly enjoyable, fun and playful.

Whether you would like to take your connection with Reiki to a professional level, by offering your services to your own clients, or would enjoy using this divine energy for personal empowerment and self-healing, you have come to the right place!


During your journey, Reiki Masters Jeanette Hieter and Rebecca Cardoza will support, lovingly guide, mentor and empower you as your unique connection with Reiki strengthens and grows.


We are humbled  to be hosting these beautiful, divine trainings at awe inspiring locations and are looking forward to spending time with you in sacred space.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is one of the most sought after, globally recognized healing tools offering feelings of peace, empowerment and a deeper connection with yourself. Anyone who feels the call within their hearts to be trained is capable of learning how to use this sacred, healing energy, yes, this includes you.

Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) as we know it today was officially discovered in 1922 by Japanese man Mikao Usui. Usui felt guided to name this healing energy "Reiki", which translates from Japanese as "Universal Life Force Energy,"  and is used throughout the world, including thousands of hospitals, for its healing qualities.

Reiki allows deep, profound, gentle healing to naturally occur within the body, mind and spirit. Through the use of this modality practitioners transfer Reiki, or Universal Life-Force Energy, through the palms into a recipient, allowing for a state of healing, peace, balance, harmony to naturally occur. 

Reiki can be, and often is, effectively combined with many modalities such a massage, coaching, crystal healings, reflexology and acupuncture. Many practitioners and masters use this Universal Life-Force Energy to charge, heal and bring into balance foods, medicines, crystals, plants, animals, children, their loved ones, chakras and themselves. There is no limit to what Reiki can assist with and be combined with.

Each individual's connection to Reiki is unique and will flow through you in a personal way. Opening up to and experiencing this energetic form of healing is a unique experience that cannot be predicted or force. It is best to come with an open mind and heart and allow the connection to move through you in its unique way, time and pacing.

In this training you will take your natural healing and intuitive abilities to new levels.


How you choose to utilize Reiki is absolutely up to you. For Example: Some students will choose to become professional Reiki Practitioners, while other students will decide to utilize the healing energy of Reiki for personal use only. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to integrate Reiki into your life. Whichever way you are guided to us Reiki in your daily living is perfect...


Once you are attuned to this amazing healing tool known as Reiki, you will be connected to this healing energy for the rest of your life! This is a wonderful investment in yourself, your own self care and, if you choose, in your professional life.

Your Reiki Masters: Jeanette & Rebecca

During Your Reiki 1 Training You Will:

Learn the inspiring history of Reiki!



Learn multitude of ways to use Reiki to enhance your life.


Receive Multiple Reiki Level 1 Attunements from two Reiki Masters Jeanette Hieter & Rebecca Cardoza, which activates the healing light in your body and hands.



Learn how to create safe, sacred space for each client during session and how to protect your own energies when around others.


Receive many gifts and blessings to support you on your journey.



Release fears, worries and blocks that may be keeping you from living the life you desire.



Students will receive adequate time to bring into balance their own Chakras via Guided Meditations and receive adequate time for personal healing to support themselves on their journey as they learn.

Upon completion of training, receive a Level 1 Reiki Practitioner Certificate


During Your Reiki 2 Training You Will:

Learn three Reiki symbols to take your abilities to the next level!


Recieve multiple Reiki Attunments from two dedicated Reiki Masters. Each time you recieve an attunement the flow of the healing energy moving through you drastically increases!


Take your ability to share Reiki with others to new levels! 


Grow in your confidence and connection with Reiki!


Receive one-on-one coaching and mentorship at beautiful Still  Meadows Retreat Center!


Receive blessings and gifts to enhance your Reiki experience and support your healing after training. 

Upon completion of training, receive a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner Certificate

Divine Pacing 


It is important to note that while for many the journey of learning Reiki is a truly transfromative, empowering and life changing experience offering astounding results, this process also takes time, dedication and commitment and the results unfold over time. This is also an unique journey for each individual with everyone moving forward at their own divine pacing. Wherever you find yourself is perfect, and however you move forward is also perfect. Honor yourself and follow your own divine rhythms. 

Why Learn How to UseThis Healing Tool?

We all have gotten ill, supported ourselves, our loved one’s, children and pets through physical aliments, sadness, confusion, transition, fear, break ups, worry and deeply wished for a way to help others and ourselves through hardship and illness. Reiki is an amazingly easy and effective healing energy tool that quickly connects the Reiki practitioner & recipient with healing, balance and a sense of peace.

Reiki can also help with people recovering from surgeries, suffering from trauma, greatly reduces stress levels, soothes emotions, brings peace of mind and is easy to learn and use.


Anyone, at any age, for any reason can learn how to use this amazing healing tool!


You do NOT have to be “perfect” or spiritually enlightened to attend this training. Simply you must posses a deep interest in Reiki and desire to learn. That’s it, and from there your life opens and your abilities begin to take root and flourish.

The 21 Day Healing Process

It’s important to note that people experience a deep clearing the first 21 days after their attunement. This is often a time of deep mental, emotional and spiritual releasing to clear a path for the Reiki Connection so you may become a clear channel of this healing light. It is suggested you allow yourself time after class and a few days or weeks following the training for greater self-care, giving yourself gentle space to heal, move through and align with these new energies.

Drinking lots of water, taking salt baths, having a massage or an energy session is recommended days after the attunment to assist you with this time of clearing.

A Special Note

from Jeanette & Rebecca

This is a life changing, uplifting, spectacular, empowering, deeply healing adventure you will never forget and you will thank yourself a thousand times over for joining...

Yet, this journey is simply not for everyone, and that's ok, in fact, that is perfect! Because if this journey is for you, there are amazing adventures and opportunities in store, simply waiting to be uncovered!

Follow your heart, it knows. Beyond the brain, your heart is tuned into the truth of who you are and what is right for you. Is this the next step you have been praying for and dreaming about?


To tune in and feel the calling of you heart, take a moment to breathe deep, allow fears and worries to float away, as you open to the light found within. Allow the curious, observant part of yourself to step forward, and begin to explore the yearnings of your heart, the nudges and messages of your soul.

Allow the wisdom of your heart to bubble to the surface. What do you notice?


Is there an opening, a beautiful light, a yes, a sense of peace, excitement and comfort? Or is there a darkness, a closing and a sense of drawing back? The deep tugs within know if this is the right journey for you. 


Follow those signs, because if this training is for you, this is one of the most life altering, joyful, deeply healing adventures that you are about to embark on!



If you are seeking a quick, fast paced, regimented training, where sharing of experiences by fellow students is limited, asking of questions is minimized and the training is black and white, cut and dry without depth and flavor, this is not the training for you.

What we are providing is divinely crafted, soul inspired, deeply spiritual Retreat Trainings hosted in beautiful locations, surrounded by nature where you are able to dive deep within to heal your own wounds and uncover your own unique gifts.


These events are only offered a few times a year for small groups of spiritual seekers and take you on a journey to deeply connect with your heart and soul as you learn to build a life you have always dreamed of and yearned for. These Retreat Trainings are saturated with honor and reverence for the sacred light that exists within all things. They are empowering journeys to call forth your beautiful, ancient, wise self as you learn how to honor your soul's purpose and activate your potential here on Earth.



As you bring your sixth sense to new levels, balance your chakras and tune into the divine, you learn to embrace your true nature.


While being deeply sacred adventures, these events are also are playful, fun and uplifting experiences infused with great laughter and joy.


While we take your Reiki Certification very seriously, we also divinely craft each training to meet the unique needs of the group and follow the ebb and flow of the group. Which means we do not have meticulously laid out itineraries. Over the years, we have discovered that in order to truly host stunning retreats, we must energetically honor each unique group. Some groups will need more brakes, others will need more time processing a certain energy, while other groups will need more time or less time on certain topics we are teaching. We follow the needs of the group, while making sure we cover everything that is important to properly certify you.



Your unique, customized, spirit-led training includes divinely channeled guided meditations specific to each group, this offers you time for personal healing, activation and alignment with your soul's light. Your spiritually tailored training also includes free time to rest and explore your surroundings. Also offered is on the spot one-on-one coaching & emotional support to help you fully understand the healing journey and your unique connection with Reiki. You will find beautifully decorated spaces that help you tune into your own soul's beauty and inspire your senses. 

Self Care Stations


During your training and your deep dive into learning Reiki, we also make sure to have self-care stations. These self-care stations are available throughout the training and may provide aura clearing sprays, chakra balancing crystals, oracle cards to pull at your leisure to receive messages, adult coloring books to help you process and express yourself, sage, essential oils and/or flower essences. These items are available to all students during training to help empower, support and pamper you as you deep dive into your healing journey.



If you ever have any questions with how these items work or are unfamiliar with them, please feel free to ask and we will happily and compassionately show you.


Safe & Sacred Space

Your Personal Healing Journey

As teachers, we believe it is important to cultivate safe, sacred and comfortable environments where feelings are normalized and understood. We believe that sharing your experiences supports learning in the group, that emotions are a natural, normal part of the of healing and learning process, and we are equipped to lovingly guide you and the group through these experiences. Of course, if someone is having an experience that is disruptive to the group's learning, we provide safe space to process and appropriate support during or after training if needed. Sharing is not always required, but greatly encouraged. It helps us to grow and learn as a group, which greatly enhances your Reiki Training.

It is important to note, that as you embark on your training, you are also embarking on, and deepening, your own personal healing. During this training students may begin to experience old wounds, fears and pains emerge for healing.


Many discover that this training is often an emotional journey, and you may experience feelings of sadness arise as you uncover old belief patterns that no longer serve you, or root up sabotaging energies that you didn't know existed. This is perfectly normal and natural part of the process, and it is all a part of the experience and brings you to greater levels of self-empowerment, self-realization and is a wonderful opportunity to bring your understanding of Reiki to new levels.


This is why we give you 4 days of healing, support and training combined with guided meditations, one-on-one coaching and continued support to help ease you along your healing journey, as you take you ability to support yourself and others to new levels.

It is an Honor

If your heart guides you forward, and says yes this beautiful journey, it is truly a great honor and joy to walk this path with you. We are here to offer all of our support, experience and expertise in assisting you with uncovering your souls light, unlocking your potential, opening the doors of miracles and exploring the sacred healing energy known lovingly as Reiki.

All our love,

~Jeanette & Rebecca

Pictures of Past Reiki Trainings

Choose Between Three Packages

Self-Care  -  Pampering -  Luxury

Early Bird Special  Saves $500!

Self Care Package 

Honor Your Heart

Early Bird  Special!

Ends Oct 20th



Bonuses for

Self Care Package!

3 Bonuses with a Value of  $380



Bonus 1

One 1.5 Hr Reiki Sessions w/ Jeanette

Valued $195

Bonus 2

One 1 Hr Reiki Session w/ Rebecca

Valued $100

Bonus 3

Reiki Practitioner Starter Kit

Valued $85

Self Care Package

Bonus Break Down

2 Sessions = $395 Value

1 Kits = $85 Value

Total Value $380

These bonuses offer support and healing to greatly enhance your journey! Use them to prepare you before your training, to meet your Reiki Masters, ask questions and receive rejuvenating healing.

If you have never received a Reiki Session before, it is required that you have at least 1 Reiki Session prior to your training to set you up for the greatest successs

Pampering Package 

Sooth Your Soul

Early Bird  Special!

Ends Oct 20th


Bonuses for

Pampering Package!

5 Bonuses with a Value of  $800 



Bonus 1

Two 2 Hr Reiki Sessions w/ Jeanette

Valued $390

Bonus 2

One 1.5 Hr Reiki Session w/ Rebecca

Valued $155

Bonus 3

 One Essential Oil Foot Soak & Reiki Foot Treatment w/ Rebecca 30 min

Valued $75

Bonus 4

Reiki Practitioner Starter Kit

Valued $85

Bonus 5

Special Pampering Kit for Healing

Valued $95

Pampering Package

Bonus Break Down

4 Sessions = $620 Value

2 Kits = $180 Value

Total Value $800

Luxury Package

Transform Your Light

Early Bird Special!

Ends Oct 20th


Bonuses for

Luxury Package!

5 Bonuses with a Value of  $1,165


Bonus 1

Three 2  Hr Reiki Sessions w/ Jeanette

Valued $585

Bonus 2

One 2 Hr Reiki Session w/ Rebecca

Valued $195

Bonus 3

 One Luxury Essential Oil Foot Soak, Reiki Foot Treatment & Session w/ Rebecca 1 hour

Valued $100

Bonus 4

Reiki Practitioner Starter Kit

Valued $85

Bonus 5

Special Luxury Kit

Valued $200

Luxury Package

Bonus Break Down

5 Sessions = $880 Value

2 Kits = $285 Value

Total Value $1,165

Lodging & Reservations

For Reiki 1 Training


Important : To officially reserve your room, you must make your first payment.


Roommate : If you need help finding a  roommate please let Jeanette know and she will help you find a good match.


Gaia House  

Lovely home with the main classroom and wall of windows

Room A - Open

Single Room: Queen Bed with high ceilings. Really lovely

Room B - Reserved

Double Room: Two Single Beds. Beautiful room

Room C - Open

Single Room: Queen Bed in smaller, cozy room located upstairs.

Room D - Open

Room E - Open
Single Room: One King.  Large bed with cozy seat

Room F -  Open
Double Room: One Queen, on day bed w Single Mattress. With desk

Room G - Open
Dorm Room: Three Single Beds & One Futon. Bight room with lots of space.


Cedar Rooms

Stand alone rooms near the creek & sauna with a lovely deck near trees.

Room A  - Open

Single Room: Queen Bed near bathroom

Room B -  Open

Single Room: Queen bed

Room C - Open

Single Room: Double bed

Room D - Open
Double Room: 1 futon, 1 single bed, one of the largest rooms with a door that separates the two beds a small fridge, desk & microwave. It's like a small studio in the woods!    

What to Bring

- Reiki Binder

- Journal & Pen

- Comfy Seating Pillow & Yoga Mat (if you have one)

- Comfy Clothes for Sitting & Stretching in

- Toothpaste & Toothbrush

- Soap & Shampoo

Optional List Below


- Slippers & Cozy Socks (no shoes allowed in classroom)

- Small Personal Sacred Items (crystals, oracle cards)

Chairs, Backjacks & Pillows will be Provided. You are welcome to bring yoga mats, and your own pillows for even greater comfort.

Meals:  Once you sign up for the retreat, I will send you a food preference form and the kitchen makes us delicious meals to the specifications of the group. Vegan, vegetarian, gluten free available. 


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