Life Changing Emotional Support w/ Jeanette - Healing Sessions - Empowering Guidance
Full: Reiki 2 Training

About Reiki 2 Training!
June Fri 23rd - Sunday 25th
Friday June 23rd - 7:30pm - 9:45pm
Saturday June 24th - Noon - 9pm
Sunday June 25th - Noon - 5pm
We will have 1.5 hour dinner break as well as snacks.
Located Celestial Awakenings in Vancouver
6610 NE HWY 99 Vancouver, WA 98665
Next Reiki Master Training:
August: Reiki Master at Still Meadows Retreat
Payment Plans Below....
Reiki is one of the most sought after, globally recognized healing modalities. With millions of people already attuned, thousands students being attuned daily and Reiki's popularity growing daily, you have become a part of a global tribe of Reiki Practitioners! Soak up the love that Reiki has for you.
Are you ready? Ready to dive deeper into the healing world of Reiki? Are you ready to see what other magical journeys Reiki can offer you? Are you ready to bring your personal healing and journey of empowerment to new levels? Then you a ready for Reiki 2 Training with Reiki Master Jeanette Hieter! You are lovingly invited for 2 days of healing, empowerment, fun and joyful learning.
During this enlightening, joyful, deeply sacred journey you will learn three magical Reiki symbols. These symbols will take your Reiki skills to the next levels!
Have you felt the stirring within to take your Reiki experience to new levels? Have you experienced the healing power of Reiki? Are you read for more? Than you are ready for this training!
During This Empowering Training:
- Learn three Reiki Symbols
- Receive Multiple Reiki Attunements
- Receive a Reiki 2 Certificate
- Bring your Reiki skills to new levels
- Students will receive assistance, support, coaching and guidance in how to tune into their unique style as a Reiki Practioner
Become a Certified Reiki 2 Practitioner and receive Reiki 2 Certificate.
The 21 Day Healing Process
It’s important to note that people experience a deep clearing the first 21 days after their attunement. This is often a time of deep mental, emotional and spiritual releasing to clear a path for the Reiki Connection so you may become a clear channel of this healing light. It is suggested you allow yourself time after class and a few days or weeks following the training for greater self-care, giving yourself gentle space to heal, move through and align with these new energies.
Drinking lots of water, taking salt baths, having a massage or an energy session is recommended days after the attunment to assist you with this time of clearing.
What to Bring
- Journal & Pen
- Water Bottle
- Comfy Seating Pillow (Chairs will be provided)
- Comfy Clothes for Sitting & Stretching
Price for Two Day Reiki 2 Training: $350
- Reiki 2 Certification
- Reiki Attunements with Reiki Master
- Two Days of Coaching and Training
- Learning Reiki 2 Symbols
- Reiki Materials
- Snacks
Choose Payment Options Below
Payments will be automatically deducted monthly by PayPal on date of your first payment. Example: If your first payment was Dec 17th, your next payment automatically deducted would be Jan 17th, and so on until paid in full.
*All Payments are Non-refundable

One Payment
Two Monthly Payments OR
OR Two Bi-Monthly Payments Contact Jeanette to set up Bi-Monthly Payments (4 payments total made every 2 weeks)
Three Monthly Payments OR
OR Three Bi-Monthly Payments Contact Jeanette to set up Bi-Monthly Payments (6 payments total made every 2 weeks)